Clear Lake Republicans

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beware of H. R. 2454- Fight the Cap and Trade Legislation

In an economic recession when thousands of Americans are losing their jobs on a seemingly daily basis the last thing that the American people need are government rules and regulations passed that will guarantee that even more Americans will lose jobs and more American companies will be less competitive. This is precisely what the current occupant of the White House's proposal indicated. Please go to Cap and Trade related article for more information. This legislation is call the American Clean Energy And Security Act of 2009 to create clean energy jobs, achieve energy independence, reduce global warming pollution and transition to a clean energy economy.
In addition to the price of energy skyrocketing under Obama's cap and trade proposal now we learn that there will be less work also as companies head overseas where they are not over-regulated by an over-reaching government.
Wasn't it a campaign promise of Obama for companies not to take work overseas? Now he is proposing legislation that would ensure companies do just that.
The issue of global warming and Cap and Trade legislation, is being used to raise taxes and to regulate the people, but perhaps there is even more to this scam than that. Perhaps this fake issue is also a way to get more people dependent on the government. Perhaps it is designed to take away jobs from the private sector so that more people will rely on their government to provide for them their necessities.
This bill is a disaster waiting to happen, we need somebody to step up and put an end to this nonsense. There is nothing good that will come out of this bill, in fact just the opposite is true. We are headed backwards in this country. Now is the time to stand up and put the breaks on this legislation. Hopefully there are still enough people in congress who realize that America can not afford this type of legislation