Clear Lake Republicans

Friday, May 22, 2009

Trans-Texas Version 2 Begins

SB 404 and SB 17 Must be Defeated

Two bills needed by TxDoT to build toll roads and the Trans-Texas Corridor – 69, or I-69 are scheduled for a vote on Friday, May 22 in the House.
These two bills are critical to TxDoT and the lobbyists who are pushing our state into Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) called CDAs or Comprehensive Development Agreements.
Last week, the House overwhelming voted to repeal the Trans-Texas Corridor for good in an amendment to HB 300, the Sunset transportation bill. However, the Senate has done a typical sleazy deal and entirely re-written the Sunset Bill with everything TxDoT wants and needs to continue business as usual.
SB 404 and SB 17 are two bills the Senate hopes we will ignore. These two bills will resurrect the TTC and other CDA sweetheart deals for the next 50 years if not stopped in the House on Friday.