Clear Lake Republicans

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Dual Standard of Ethics

As I was thinking of the dual standards under which the our media seems to judge Republican and Democrats I become so much more proud of the Republican Party. I think about the need for improvement but we are much better than the gutter that our opposition seems to relish.

Republicans step down from office when ethics charges are FILED not PROVEN


Ted Stevens, Tom Delay… we force them out, even though many times they are cleared of all charges. (Stevens, Tom DeLay)

  • Remember that Dan Rostenkowski had to be force out.
  • Remember Rep. William Jefferson (D, LA) and he ran again and was reelected while federal agents were pulling cash bricks out of his freezer.
  • Gery Stubbs is the only admitted pedophile who remained in the House (Democrat)
  • Robert Byrd is the only KKK member to remain in the Senate (Democrat)
  • Barney Frank ran the only male prostitution ring in Congressional history(Democrat)
  • Kennedy was the only murderer elected to the Senate after committing murder (Democrat)
  • Rangel is still there after the interest free loans, the years of tax evasion, the underreporting of his income.

Which Democrat has called for him to step aside?

Ted Stevens left the Senate over far less.

Newt Gingrich was asked to step down after some thousands of dollars went to his PAC instead of his foundation. He was asked to step down by Republicans....and he did.

John Conyers wife is running a huge corruption ring in Michigan. She's been indicted and so has everyone she knows. I wonder when Democrats will ask John Conyers to step aside for the sake of the appearance of impropriety. .......based on their history, I would guess never.